사업자등록번호 : 108-82-05120 | 대표자 : 장태엽 | 단체명 : (사)한국음성학회
(08787) 서울 관악구 남부순환로 1808, 2층 1호(봉천동, 관악센츄리타워) (사)한국음성학회 - +82-70-8275-2821 +82-505-837-7169 ksss@speechsciences.or.kr
[가을국제학술대회] Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019 (SICSS 2019)
배미영 2019-02-11 11:40 1915//갤러리 화면 따로 if ($b_name == 'bo_gallery') { // 선 이미지 후 내용 ?>
[CFP] Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019 (SICSS 2019)
Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019 (SICSS 2019)
15-16 November 2019, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
“Speech Sciences Moving Forward: New Methods, Data and Populations”
Date: 15 (Fri) - 16 (Sat) November 2019
Venue: Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 August 2019
Hosted by the Korean Society of Speech Sciences (KSSS)
The Korean Society of Speech Sciences (KSSS) will host the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019 (SICSS 2019) between 15 and 16 November 2019 at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. Founded in 1935, the KSSS is devoted to theoretical research and practical applications of speech in phonetics, speech engineering, speech disorders, and cognitive sciences. It publishes the academic journal, “Phonetics and Speech Sciences,” four times a year. It also hosts conferences twice a year and organises workshops and training programs. The theme for SICSS 2019 is “Speech Sciences Moving Forward: New Methods, Data and Populations.” For more information, please visit https://sicss2019.wordpress.com/ or http://www.sicss.or.kr/.
Keynote Speakers
Phonetics: Allard Jongman, The University of Kansas
Speech Disorders: Keith R. Kluender, Purdue University
Speech Technology: Helen Meng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
1. Phonetics (Theoretical & Experimental)
2. Applied Phonetics
3. Speech Perception & Production
4. Experimental Phonology
5. Speech Disorders
6. Hearing Disorders
7. Speech Synthesis & Recognition
8. Speech Coding
9. Speech Analysis & Processing
10. Pronunciation Teaching & Learning
11. Other Areas in Phonetics and Speech Sciences
Presentation Types
1. Paper presentation 20 minutes (15 minute talk + 5 minute discussion)
2. Poster presentation 60 minutes
Important Dates
1. Abstract submission opens: Wednesday, 1 May 2019
2. Abstract submission deadline: Saturday, 31 August 2019
3. Notification to be sent within two weeks of receiving the abstract.
4. Early bird registration opens: Monday, 16 September 2019
5. Author registration deadline: Monday, 30 September 2019
6. Early bird registration deadline: Thursday, 31 October 2019
7. Conference: 15-16 November 2019
Abstract Submission
Abstracts must be written in English and must not exceed two pages in length (references and graphics included). There are two abstract submission formats available: a one-page abstract (with no sections other than references) and a two-page abstract (with section numbers and headers). You may choose either option depending on how you would like to prepare your abstract. You may download the abstract templates from https://sicss2019.wordpress.com/ or http://www.sicss.or.kr/.
Conference Homepage
▶▶ 2024 한국음성학회 가을 학술대회 사전 등록 안내
‘2024년 한국음성학회 가을 학술대회’가 10월 19일(토)에 한국외국어대학교에서 개최됩니다. 9월 13일(금)부터 10월 11일(금)까지 사전등록 가능합니다.
▶▶ 사전 등록 링크(클릭시 이동)
2024년 한국음성학회 가을 학술대회
일시: 2024년 10월 19일(토)
장소: 한국외국어대학교 일반대학원 1층 BRICs 문화관 105호
(1) 음성언어에 나타나는 운율구조의 언어보편성(조태홍, 한양대)
(2) 장애음성의 기록과 분석:기기에서 프로그램까지(이승진, 한림대)
(3) 음성 딥페이크 탐지 현황(유하진, 서울시립대)
정회원, 학생회원(기존 회원의 경우, 연회비 납부 상태를 확인 부탁드립니다.)
사전등록 > 일반 40,000원 학생 20,000원
현장등록 > 일반 50,000원 학생 30,000원
비회원, 준회원
사전등록 > 일반 50,000원 학생 30,000원
현장등록 > 일반 60,000원 학생 40,000원
1. 계좌이체 (우체국 012187-01-003803 예금주: 한국음성학회)
**입금자명 ‘성함_항목’으로 표시 (ex. 김OO_학술대회)
2. 카드결제 (한국음성학회 홈페이지 로그인 - 학술대회 - 등록 및 결제 - 등록 종류
‘학술대회’ 선택)
▶▶ 정회원 자격 취득 안내 링크(클릭시 이동)
학술대회 발표자료집은 PDF 파일로 제공됩니다.
2024년 한국음성학회 가을 학술대회 준비위원회