
2015 International Conference on Speech Sciences (ICSS 2015)

배미영   2018-09-10 18:54   1850

2015 International Conferen​​c​​​​e on Speech Sciences (ICSS 2015)




​"Variability in Speech Sounds"


<Final program and the preregistration form can be found below.>


Hosted by

Korean Society of Speech Sciences (KSSS)

Ewha Institute of English and American Studies, Ewha Womans University

Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University


Sponsored by

Ewha Institute of English and American Studies, Ewha Womans University

Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University


Korean Association of Speech-Language Pathologists




The Korean Society of Speech Sciences (KSSS) hosts the 2015 International Conference on Speech Sciences (ICSS 2015) between November 20 and 21, 2015 at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. Founded in 1935, the KSSS has carried out works related to theoretical research and practical applications of speech in phonetics, speech engineering, communication disorders, and cognitive sciences. It publishes the academic journal, “Phonetics and Speech Sciences,” four issues a year. It also hosts annual conferences twice a year and organizes workshops and training programs. A total of 200 researchers and students in and around Asia who work in the above-mentioned fields are expected to attend the conference.

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Dr. Tracey Derwing
University of Alberta & Simon Fraser University, Canada


“Why Variability across L2 Learners should Influence the Instruction of English Pronunciation”






Prof. Dr. Jack J Jiang
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, USA


The Modeling of Vocal Fold Vibration and its Clinical Implementations”






Prof. Dr. Alexander Waibel
Carnegie Mellon University, USA & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


“Bridging the Language Divide”




Important Dates:

​​​​​1. Early bird registration: by November 10, 2015
3. Conference: November 20-21, 2015​



Early 80,000 KRW
On-site 90,000 KRW
Student 60,000 KRW


ECC (Ewha Campus Complex), Ewha Womans University
52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-750, Korea

Visa Requirement

If you need a visa, please visit the following link for the visa application process:





Participants should make their own arrangements for accommodation. Here is the list of some of reliable hostels and hotels in central Seoul. Availability and the room rate are not guaranteed.


Seoul International YH
Web: https://www.hihostels.com/hostels/seoul-seoul-international-yh
Distance to venue: 47 minutes by subway
Room rate: 15,000~140,000 KRW per night (Room types vary.)


Ever8 Serviced Residence

Web: http://www.ever8.co.kr/

Distance to venue: 5 minutes on foot

Room rate (Group rate): 100,000~120,000 KRW per night

*Contact conference secretariat in advance if you want to reserve a room for this residence.


Fraser Suites Insadong Seoul
Web: http://frasersuitesseoul.co.kr/
Distance to venue: 38 minutes by subway
Room rate: 170,000~190,000 KRW per night


Koreana Hotel
Web: http://www.koreanahotel.com/
Distance to venue: 32 minutes by subway
Room rate: 180,000~200,000 KRW per night


IBIS Ambassador Myeongdong
Web: https://ibis.ambatelen.com/myeongdong/main.amb
Distance to venue: 30 minutes by subway
Room rate: 190,000~210,000 KRW per night


Pacific Hotel
Web: http://www.thepacifichotel.co.kr/
Distance to venue: 40 minutes by subway
Room rate: 230,000~260,000 KRW per night


Hotel President
Web: http://www.hotelpresident.co.kr/
Distance to venue: 30 minutes by subway
Room rate: 220,000~270,000 KRW per night


Somerset Palace Seoul
Web: http://www.somersetpalace.co.kr/
Distance to venue: 30 minutes by bus
Room rate: 220,000~240,000 KRW per night


Fraser Place Namdaemun Seoul
Web: http://www.fpns.co.kr/
Distance to venue: 30 minutes by subway
Room rate: 250,000~270,000 KRW per night


Sejong Hotel
Web: https://www.sejong.co.kr/eng/
Distance to venue: 41 minutes by subway
Room rate: 270,000~300,000 KRW per night


The Plaza Hotel Seoul
Web: http://www.hoteltheplaza.com/
Distance to venue: 28 minutes by subway
Room Rate: 300,000~350,000 KRW per night


Lotte Hotel Seoul
Web: http://www.lottehotel.com/seoul/en/
Distance to venue: 30 minutes by subway
Room rate: 400,000~450,000 KRW per night​




President  Byunggon Yang, Pusan National Univ.
Conference Chairs ​Cheolwoo Jo, Changwon National Univ.

                                 Eunjin Oh, Ewha Womans Univ.​


Soo-Jin Kim, Korea Nazarene Univ.
Hoirin Kim, KAIST
Seok-Chae Rhee, Yonsei Univ.

Program Chair

Hyunsong Chung, Korea National Univ. of Education

General Affairs Chair  Joo-Kyeong Lee, Univ. of Seoul​



Hee Young Kim


Contact Us:

ICSS 2015 Organizing Committee
The Korean Society of Speech Sciences
Room 307, Building No. 2
Department of Linguistics, College of Humanities
Seoul National University
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu
Seoul 151-742
Tel: +82-70-8275-2821
Fax: +82-505-837-7169
Email: ksss@speechsciences.or.kr
Home Page: http://ksss.jams.or.kr

[말소리와 음성과학] 제16권 제2호 논문 모집 연장 공고 (5월 15일 마감)

한국음성학회 회원님께,



한국음성학회에서 발행하는 ‘말소리와 음성과학’ 16권 2호 논문 일반투고 기간을 5월 15일까지 연장하고자 합니다. 회원 여러분의 옥고를 기다립니다. 감사합니다.


다 음 -


논문 투고 방법 및 응모자격

- 논문 투고는 온라인 논문투고시스템 https://submission.eksss.org에 접속하여 진행함

- 논문 접수 시 제1저자, 교신저자, 투고자 모두 한국음성학회 회원이어야 함

- 비회원은 한국음성학회 홈페이지 https://www.speechsciences.or.kr에서 회원가입과 입회비(10,000원) 및 연회비(학생회원 20,000원, 정회원 30,000원)를 우체국 012187-01-003817(사단법인 한국음성학회)에 납부하여 회원 자격 취득 후 투고 가능함

2. 투고 논문 분야

- 음성학(Phonetics), 음성공학(Speech Engineering), 말장애(Speech Disorders) 등의 음성 관련 분야


3. 논문 투고 마감일

- 일반투고: 2024년 5월 15일(수)

- 긴급투고: 2024년 5월 22일(수)


4. 논문 발행일: 2024년 6월 30일(일)


5. 유의사항

- 타 학회지 등에 기 발표한 논문은 게재할 수 없으며 제출된 논문은 반환하지 않음

- 최근 학계 및 연구재단의 윤리규정 강화 동향에 따라 게재 확정된 원고에 대한 KCI 유사도 검사를 실시해야 함

- 말소리와 음성과학 논문집은 한국연구재단의 등재 학술지임

- 논문 투고방법 및 작성양식은 온라인 논문투고시스템의 「저자 가이드라인」을 참조할 것

- 원고 첫 페이지 및 마지막 페이지(사사표기, 국문초록)의 모든 저자정보 삭제 후 투고할 것


6. 심사료 및 게재료

- 심사료는 일반투고 시 편당 60,000원, 긴급투고 시 160,000원의 심사료 납부

- 게재료(추후 납부) : 논문 1편 당 8쪽까지 200,000원(단, 국문요약은 쪽수에 미포함). 8쪽 초과 시 쪽 당 20,000원 추가 납부. 단, 연구비 사사표기한 경우 150,000원 추가 납부

- 납부 계좌: 농협 355-0000-7315-03 (예금주: 사단법인 한국음성학회)


7. 기타 문의사항

- 기타 문의사항은 한국음성학회 ksss@speechsciences.or.kr로 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.


말소리와 음성과학 편집위원장

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